LENZING™ ECOVERO™ is the ultimate eco-friendly option for fashion designers who love working with Rayon and Viscose. It is manufactured using natural and renewable raw materials.
The cellulose fibre is made up of wood pulp extracted from trees from regenerative forests, which uses little water. This is really good stuff, which is why it is joining the Nerida Hansen family of fabrics.
The cellulose fibre is made up of wood pulp extracted from trees from regenerative forests, which uses little water. This is really good stuff, which is why it is joining the Nerida Hansen family of fabrics.
It is silky smooth and gentle on the skin and it has a luxurious look and feel.
Deadline to order LENZING™ ECOVERO™ is midday on Wednesday 23rd November.
Deadline to order LENZING™ ECOVERO™ is midday on Wednesday 23rd November.